Achmad Megantara

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Achmad Megantara

Achmad Akbar Megantara

Full-stack Developer | Data mining engineer | Network Security Analyst

About Me

"Hello, my name is Achmad Akbar Megantara, but they usually call me ega. I'm software engineer who focused on data processing and application specialist. In data processing side, i'm experienced in data analyst, data scientist, business intelligence analyst and machine learning engineer. 'm also experienced in data mining / science with several projects done in my master degree's program. i'm able to do exploratory data analysis (EDA), data preparation & data cleaning, data preprocessing and data processing / data modelling. While in application side, focused on backend engineer with javascript, php and go as the most commonly language used. However, i'm also able to do frontend side too as if needed. I'm also interested in network security areas. starting my first hacking social media account in junior high school and goes on until my bachelor degree's studies in telecommunication engineering. i've done few project related in the network security areas such as penetration testing simulation, system prevention using snort & honeypot, and attack data analysis and prediction."

  • Full Name : Achmad Akbar Megantara
  • Nickname : Ega
  • Place, Date of Birth : Surabaya, 11 February 1997
  • Gender : Male
  • Blood Type : A
  • Religion : Moslem
  • Relationship status : Single
  • Address : Jl. H. Abdul Rahman 27 A, Sedati Gede, Sidoarjo
  • Province : East Java
  • ZIP Code : 61253
  • Nationality : Indonesia


Education Record

  • Junior High School : SMPN 1 Sedati
  • Senior High School : SMAN 1 Sidoarjo
  • Bachelor Degree : Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS) | Telecommunication Engineering
  • Master Degree : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya (ITS) | Computer Science

Organization & Internship Experience

  • 2012 - 2013 | Member of SKI SMAN 1 SIDOARJO
  • 2013 - 2014 | General Treasurer of SKI SMAN 1 SIDOARJO
  • 2016 - 2017 | Junior Staff of UKKI PENS | Mentoring Department
  • 2016 - 2017 | Junior Staff of BEM PENS | Internal Department
  • 2017 - 2018 | Head Ministry of BEM PENS | Internal Department
  • March - May 2018 | PT. PAL Indonesia | Network Infrastructure & Installation

Training & Certification

  • 2015 | Latihan Keterampilan Manajemen Mahasiswa Pra-Tingkat Dasar
  • 2016 | Latihan Keterampilan Manajemen Mahasiswa Tingkat Dasar
  • 2016 | Sekolah Mentor 1 UKKI PENS
  • 2016 | Sekolah Mentor 2 UKKI PENS
  • 2016 | Intensif An-Nahl (INTAN) UKKI PENS
  • 2016 | Matrikulasi Staff BEM PENS
  • 2017 | Latihan Keterampilan Manajemen Mahasiswa Tingkat Menengah
  • 2017 | Sekolah Mentor 3 UKKI PENS
  • 2017 | Upgrading BEM PENS
  • 2017 - id.connect | Hello Digital Inspiration Conference | Certificate of Attendance
  • 2018 - BNSP | Access Network Coverage Planner | Certificate of Competence
  • 2019 - HIMA TELKOM & DSI JATIM | Data Science Seminar & Workshop | Certificate of Attendance
  • 2019 - ITS | Tes Potensi Kemampuan Akademik (TPKA) | Certificate of Completion - 525(65)
  • 2021 - ITS | English as a Foreign Language (EFL TEST) | Certificate of Completion - 513

Researches & Publications

  • PENS - FINAL PROJECT | Multi-dimensional Scaling Method for Tracking Teenager Group Activity on Crowded Place in Real-Time Based on Data Sensor of Mobile Device
  • ITS - THESIS | The Development of Feature Selection and Data Reduction Based on Feature Importance Ranking and Local Outlier Factor for Increasing The Detection Performance in A Network
  • Conference - IC2IE | Feature Importance Ranking for Increasing Performance of Intrusion Detection System
  • Journal - INASS | ANOVA-SVM for Selecting Subset Features in Encrypted Internet Traffic Classification
  • Journal - SPRINGER | A hybrid machine learning method for increasing the performance of network intrusion detection systems

Data analyst, data scientist, business intelligence analyst and machine learning project


[Python - Image Searching / Retrieval]
A machine learning project to retrieve image from a set of images with face recognition concept.
Source code


[Python - Traffic Classification]
A machine learning project to classify encrypted traffic classification.
Source code


[Python - IDS attack prediction]
A machine learning project to predict whether normal / attack activity.
Source code


[Python - Brain Skull Segmentation]
A machine learning project for segmenting the brain skull.
Source code


[Python - Data preprocessing fundamental]
A basic project to learn about data preprocessing.
Source code


[Python - Web Scraping]
Web Scraping with BeautifulSoup.
Source code


[Python - Sales analysis]
Data analysis project in Sales Data.
Source code


[Python - Data Visualization]
Basic data for Data Visualization.
Source code


[Python - Weather Analysis]
data analysis project for weather data.
Source code


[Python - Cars Analysis]
data analysis project for car data.
Source code


[Python - Police Analysis]
data analysis project for police data.
Source code


[Python - Covid Analysis]
data analysis project for covid data.
Source code

Web and Mobile application project


[MERN Stack - Staycation]
A full-stack javascript project of clone a travel-booking website.
frontend backend


[Android - Realtime activity tracking]
An android application for tracking user activity in real-time.
Source code


[Laravel Mongo DB - Kampung Kue Sby]
A collaboration project with kampungkue surabaya to build e-commerce website.
Source code Website

Learning from the basic


[Laravel - Basic CRUD]
A basic CRUD project with laravel SQL & NoSQL database.
Laravel SQL MariaDB Laravel NoSQL MognoDB


[Basic - Basic Code Programming]
Basic code of several programming language.
OOP with C++ Javascript Python Go CSS NodeJs ReactJS


[Python - Tic Tac Toe]
Create tic tac toe games.
Laravel SQL MariaDB


[Python - Guess Number]
Guess the number.
Guess Number


[Python - Rock Paper Scissor]
Rock Paper Scissor Game.
Rock Paper Scissor


[Python - Hangman]
Hangman Game.

For Mor Project visit my github repo in

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